So who is Susie Crago?

Hmm… That’s a hard one to start off with! So, who am I…??

Well, I guess I’m someone who cares deeply about other people and tries hard to make the world a kinder and more loving place. I tend to see the best in other people and am very lucky to be surrounded by loving family and friends which I’m sure has shaped my view of the world. I’m a mum of three gorgeous girls who are my world, and have been married to my lovely hubbie for nearly 13 years – we have been together for over 20 years. I’m also someone who wants to do my very best in everything I do, especially within my business as I want my customers and the final recipients of my items to smile when they open them and know they were made with love.

How did you cross paths with Julie and Happy Side Hustle?

I first met Julie through her free Facebook challenge ‘Find your Happy Side Hustle’ in autumn 2020 and haven’t let her go since… When you find someone who is so infectiously joyful, kind and giving to others you keep hold of them!

How did you feel when you found out about the challenge?

The sense of community that it brought. The other people doing the challenge were amazing and the whole week was such an uplifting experience… I was going through a bit of a ‘down patch’ but Julie and the other participants left me feeling optimistic and excited for the future and just feeling more joyful!

Why did you decide to join it?

I had often pondered on starting my own small business and liked the idea of seeing whether crafting could be a route to doing this.

What was your favourite part of the challenge?

The sense of community that it brought. The other people doing the challenge were amazing and the whole week was such an uplifting experience… I was going through a bit of a ‘down patch’ but Julie and the other participants left me feeling optimistic and excited for the future and just feeling more joyful!

What was your biggest takeaway or a-ha moment from the challenge?

I loved asking others for feedback which, while out of my comfort zone, led to friends saying the most beautiful and loving things to me which I would probably never have heard if I hadn’t asked.

Who would benefit most from this challenge?

Someone who is feeling like they need something extra in their lives.. not that they are necessarily very unhappy with where they are but that they have dreams they have pushed to one side (mostly likely to prioritise other’s needs above their own as that is what so many of us do, isn’t it?!). Also someone who likes to have a clear process to follow but doesn’t want to feel overwhelmed by information overload. Julie keeps the tasks so straightforward and easy to complete but, as if by magic, you end up so far forward on your journey by the end of it!

Where can we find you?

Big Fig Designs

My Etsy store is:




What is your next big goal?

To refine some new product ideas and get them ‘into production’ and work out how to steer my business towards increased productivity and profits while keeping my core values of pouring love and care into everything that I make/do.

Are you in the ‘Fast Track your Happy Side Hustle’ or ‘The Hive’?

I initially did the ‘Start your happy side hustle’ course which I think has evolved into the Fast track course, and which also had membership of the Hive. Now I’m in the Hive and also the ‘Inner Circle’ where I get access to Julie each week via a group online coaching call – highly recommend for moving your business forward (and having a fabulous time too!)

Did you have any experience running your own side hustle before? How did that go and what do you know now that you didn’t know then?

I have previously sold reusable nappies as an affiliate to an online independent retailer, which I did when my eldest was a baby. This evolved into advising on slings / baby wearing.

It was good fun as I got to meet lovely expectant and new parents and their gorgeous new babies… I was also sent a few newborn baby shots too which was wonderful! It never really made money as such and I now have a much clearer understanding of developing a business, including the need for a marketing strategy and social media is now far more of a necessity than it was then.

What’s your biggest tip for someone who’s considering setting up a side hustle?

Don’t let your doubts hold you back… you can achieve so much more than you might currently think and there are genuinely so many people out there who will want to support you as you grow and learn, so seek out your tribe.

What’s your favourite thing about being in The Hive?

It is the happiest place to be on the internet! Genuinely, the love, support, friendship and sisterhood that happens within the Hive is something that is a rare gem. On those days when it all feels like just too much hard work there is always someone there to help you find the next steps to take on your way forward. There is also always someone who can help you with the different aspects of your business, between the vast expertise and experience of the other bees and the guest experts Julie brings in you will always be able to find what you need.

What’s your favourite thing about your new happy side hustle?

I love seeing my items ‘in the wild’ so to speak! It makes me so happy when I hear such positive comments from my customers and I know that I’ve brightened up their day even just a little bit.
