What inspired you to start your side hustle, and how did you come up with the idea?

My degree was in ceramic design but life, jobs and children and severe bouts of depression meant I never did anything with it. Finally, I felt able to start experimenting about 6 years ago and then when I wandered into Julies world I did the 5 day challenge a couple of times and began the journey.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when launching your side hustle, and how did you overcome them?

Myself! I have always suffered from low self esteem but good friends and opening up to people with the first few things I made and getting positive feedback has built me up slowly.

How has your side hustle positively impacted your life?

Something happened just bit by bit at first as I found my way but I think doing the Art Therapy qualification in 2022 opened up a lot of old beliefs to scrutiny and I have been challenging myself everyday since! Then in May this year I made a huge decision to quit my teaching post, which was the biggest source of stress in my life, I made a list of what I wanted to do and it was categorically Art therapy, pottery and pottery teaching so I’m off investigating.

What do you think sets your side hustle apart from others in your industry?

I use pottery to calm and centre myself and that feeds into how I use Art therapy with the children at school and as a teacher I feel able to share that really easily, more easily than making my own stuff!

Can you share a success story or proud moment from your side hustle journey so far?

I think seeing the bits that come out of the kiln that others have made, and the faces when the children at school suddenly get the buzz of creating something amazing – no matter how it looks to anyone else. Also this new me that has appeared since May and keeps leaping into things feet first – who is she??

What advice would you give to someone who is considering starting their own side hustle?

Practise and get feedback from others to boost your belief, then stop procrastinating and get on with it! (I need to keep reading this!)

How has Julie and the Happy Side Hustle community helped you along your side hustle journey?

Getting recognition from strangers is amazing, then I know it’s just not my friends doing me a favour! I have learnt so much from the masterclasses and I may have been in the Inner Circle since the beginning but it has taken a while for Julies ‘joy’ to get into this shield and I would have given up ages ago without the Bees – they/we are all each others greatest cheerleaders and it makes me feel so proud to be a part of it.

What’s next for your side hustle, and where do you see it going in the future?

I want the future to be a mix of teaching pottery, making my own and continuing the Art Therapy – it’s magic worked on me and I love helping others out.

What’s your favourite thing about being a side hustler, and how has it impacted your life in a positive way?

It is definitely the empathy of the other Bees and the positivity there, I don’t feel I need to hide when I’m not feeling it as there are lots of people in there who are not full of the joys all the time but we all secretly aspire to be a ‘bit more Julie’ if we can, I know I do!

Where can we find you? 
