What inspired you to start your side hustle, and how did you come up with the idea?

I always wanted to set up my own coaching business from the time I qualified as a coach many years ago I just didn’t know when I would do it – or how to do it! Then I saw Julie’s FB ad about side hustles. I was still working in the NHS but making plans to leave – so I went for it!

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when launching your side hustle, and how did you overcome them?

Two big challenges – one was using social media for marketing as I had never had to do this before, but I found out I really enjoyed it. I learnt to use Canva which really helped me and I loved it! I learnt everything I know from being in The Hive!

Second biggest challenge was charging people for coaching. I had done it for so long without charging I found this difficult and still find it hard not doing it for free!

How has your side hustle positively impacted your life?

It has made me very happy to do work that doesn’t feel like work. I am so at one with myself when I am coaching. It is pure joy helping people be the very best they can be and see their confidence grow as they discover skills and talents they didn’t realise they had.

What do you think sets your side hustle apart from others in your industry?

My coaching is a nurturing style that helps people discover the skills and talents they don’t realise they have in a safe and trusted space. I have a special career development matrix I had developed that helps people do this and at the same time it builds confidence, creates content to quickly and easily prepare bespoke job applications, helps people get interview ready and can be used for appraisals in their current role.

Can you share a success story or proud moment from your side hustle journey so far?

I have so many wonderful testimonials that all make me feel very proud. It has been especially rewarding though helping people facing redundancy find an even better role than they have had before and to see their confidence grow.

This is from one of my coachees:
“Ann has a unique ability to draw out your skills and achievements through her coaching programs. Things that are uniquely you that are so integrated that you need help to recognise them. Throughout my coaching with Ann she helped me become aware of my everyday amazing talents. We created a brilliant matrix to hold my achievements which I have used to build my CV, apply for jobs and land my dream career. It is now my CPD record helping me track my career progress and achievements – it helps me record my career highlights as they happen. Invaluable thank you Ann.”

What advice would you give to someone who is considering starting their own side hustle?

Don’t wait until the time is right – start it now! You will learn as you go along and mistakes form part of that learning. Start as small as you like. Create a name and logo to make it real!

How has Julie and the Happy Side Hustle community helped you along your side hustle journey?

It has given me so much! I have had the support from fellow side hustlers to encourage, support and believe in me. It has also given me the knowledge and past learning of others who are further along the journey, as they share with me and others in the group. The expertise of Julie Begbie, and Gillian, has not only shown me the way – it given me a success mindset with no boundaries! I have learnt more than I can measure and found friends that are more precious than diamonds!

What’s next for your side hustle, and where do you see it going in the future?

I want to set up a membership group that will help mid career professionals always be in the driving seat when it comes to choosing their next role and making the most of their current role. I want everyone to have the belief that they can choose the job they want and for their opportunities not be limited to only those roles employers deem fit to offer.

How has being a part of the Happy Hustle Hive helped you achieve your goals?

This I just can’t measure – it has had such an impact! My life has been enhanced enormously by being in the Hive. The Hive encourages us all to push out the boundaries of the goals we start off with and then exceed them. It encourages us to share and celebrate our success and bring pure joy into our own lives and those we touch with our side hustle activities.

What’s your favourite thing about being a side hustler, and how has it impacted your life in a positive way?

I am doing what I love doing more than anything else in the world! It has allowed me to find my true purpose in life, create my own vision and values and live by them.

Where can we find you?
