What inspired you to start your side hustle, and how did you come up with the idea?

I was a Primary School Teacher until I had children and a Dance Teacher/Dance School owner until lockdown, when I pivoted to work as a VA for dance school owners. My side hustle was Fat Quarter Quilts where I create patterns that only use fat quarters (specific cut of fabric) and my secret sauce is that all the patterns come with a video tutorial. I was looking for a new avenue and Julie recognised a need for someone to help people get their marketing out there. So I can’t take credit for EmpowerTech Academy but I’m excited to start helping people! The plan is that by the end of this fantastic VIB experience I’ll have my new hustle up and running and be able to help people by posting their social media for them. I’m also looking forward to when I’ll be launcing my next part of the side hustle which will take me back to my passion, teaching. I’ll be helping small business owners learn the tech they need to run their business online through EmpowerTech Academy. This is actually the side hustle I had wanted to launch during lockdown and I was given advice that steered me away from it. But I’m a firm believer in things happening for a reason and I’m glad that it’s time for this hustle now!

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when launching your side hustle, and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge is that I have lots of ideas and not enough time to do it all! I also can get overwhelmed with all of the to-dos and where to start. So, I use lists and accountability to make my way through them (thank you bees, side hustle sisters and of course my “boss” Julie!). I’ve also started using an app called Groove which is essentially an accountability buddy or body doubling for 50min sessions and I find them really motivating too.

How has your side hustle positively impacted your life?

The biggest impact so far has been getting to meet so many wonderful bees and I’m super lucky to have three wonderful side hustle sisters! I love to learn so it’s given me an excuse to do all sorts of learning and I love the monthly learning in the hive. It’s so lovely to be surrounded by such lovely creative and supportive people. I’m so grateful for these new side hustle plans and I know that they are going to help me pay for our camping holiday this year and our big holiday to Disney in the future.

What do you think sets your side hustle apart from others in your industry?

What sets my Magic Wand Marketing hustle apart from others in the marketing industry is, of course, my secret sauce! My secret sauce is that I will not only make your marketing easy for you but I will also provide templates, bonus Pinterest posts and monthly reports. What sets EmpowerTech Academy apart from other tech teaching is that I love to teach and to make what I’m teaching accessible and fun. Of course there’s also my secret sauce…which is still a secret!

Can you share a success story or proud moment from your side hustle journey so far?

I’m especially proud of becoming an Amazon best seller with my “Ultimate Dance Show Planner” which I published at the beginning of the year.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering starting their own side hustle?

If you’re thinking about it I would say “Do it.”! We’re so lucky that we can start small businesses without a huge budget and no need for a physical shop because of all the wonderful opportunities the online world brings. Do the thing you’re most confident or excited about now and then once you’ve learned lots by setting it up you’ll be even more confident to change to (or add!) a new side hustle if you feel it’s not bringing you as much joy or income as you’d like. Remember that (as Julie says) nothing is set in stone and you don’t need to do what you start out with forever.

How has Julie and the Happy Side Hustle community helped you along your side hustle journey?

When I joined the Hive I was sent an email asking if I wanted to join the inner circle (you know up selling ). I thought about it all night and in the morning I emailed and asked to join the inner circle too. I knew that it was the right amount of accountability that I needed with weekly check-ins with Julie. Since then I’ve never regretted it once. Every month I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to pay the subscription to be able to be a part of such a lovely group of inspiring women led by our queen bee. Through small (sometimes not so small!) weekly action set at the weekly check-ins I’ve published an Amazon Best Seller, learned and implemented so many things in my side hustles and have the confidence to shelf things so that I can start a new side hustle.

What’s next for your side hustle, and where do you see it going in the future?

My vision for the future would be to scale the Magic Wand Marketing so that I can help as many people as possible with their marketing. This would allow me to stop my VA work. I would also be working teaching small business owners how to use the tech needed to start their business online. One or both of these would involve a membership too! I’ve been inspired by the lovely ideas of craft retreats that my fellow bees are planning and I would love to have a small retreat where the attendees would learn to do something techy with me…watch this space!

How has being a part of the Happy Hustle Hive helped you achieve your goals?

Without the support of the wonderful bees, my lovely side hustle sisters and, of course, Julie’s business coaching I’d still be faffing! Fact. The accountability and motivation (of course some competition too!) I get from being around these inspiring ladies is invaluable.

What’s your favourite thing about being a side hustler, and how has it impacted your life in a positive way?

My favourite things (yes I’m cheating and having two!) are the ability to work for myself and fit it around my children, and also my wonderful bee family who are there through the highs and lows of running a business.

Where can we find you?

